Sunday, April 29, 2007

Aunt Miriam came to visit!


While Miriam was here, we watched Aaron coach the freshmen baseball team. He is usually the assistant coach, and when the coach was unable to come to the game, Aaron was able to coach the game on his own. Very fun to watch Aaron in action, interacting with the kids, and having a lot of fun.

Samuel tried his best to stay awake, but ended up taking a little nap in his stroller.

These next two pictures are after the game. Aaron came up to the three of us and Samuel realized that it was his Daddy approaching.

Fun in the Sun!

Today was in the 80s and Samuel had a few more birthday presents to open. Thankfully, they all involved enjoying the sunshine. He absolutely loves the pool and the fun balls, fish, bucket, and shovel to play with in the water!

And you go in the pool...

and back out of the pool...

over and over!

Just chillin'!

Friday, April 27, 2007

On Suffering

This is an excerpt from Richard Foster's Perspective newsletter. I found his words especially challenging to my seemingly natural (and sinful) inclination to avoid situations that do not first insure my personal safety--usually at the expense of seeing His mighty work therein. May he strengthen us to be bold and faithful, as we are called.

You can find this whole newsletter, and archives back quite a few years at:

Disclaimer: This newsletter does not contain Samuel pictures. If you are feeling the constant urge to search for Samuel pictures within this article, please check back in a few days, and check into your nearest clinic. There will soon be updated pictures of his great week with Aunt Miriam!

Suffering Avoidance

In the future we are going to look back on 2005 as "The Year of Suffering." The most identifying features of that year were the Asian tsunami, the hurricanes on the Gulf Coast, and the earthquake in Pakistan. These natural disasters brought death to multiplied tens-of-thousands and have displaced many more.

These terrible natural disasters remind us that suffering is painfully real. Now, this knowledge is important to us today for we live in a culture of "suffering avoidance." To be hit in the gut by suffering on a massive scale shocks us back into reality, and that reality is that suffering is a fact of human existence as we know it. We had better get used to it. We live in a good world gone bad. Even the creation which is so beautiful in so many ways has been affected by the Fall and that is how we experience it.

These all but overwhelming natural disasters are comprised of multiplied millions of stories of individual suffering. And it is the individual human suffering that we must see and understand and refuse to run from.

We speak in Christian theology of the vicarious suffering of Christ. By this we mean more than Christ's sacrifice on Calvary, though we do mean to include this pivotal event. On the cross Jesus, the Christ, took into himself all the sins and sorrows of the past, present, and future, and through his blood redeemed it all. Jesus experienced, however, not only a cross-death but also a cross-life. As the Son of God walked among us in the flesh he constantly and consistently identified with those who suffer; the bruised and the broken, the poor and the weak, the hopeless and helpless.

Standing With . . . Aching With . . . Weeping With . . .

This is where you and I come in. We are never more the Church than in our identification with those who suffer. This is one vital way we participate in the vicarious suffering of Christ (Phil. 3:10). This is why mission hospitals have always been such an important element in mission penetration throughout history. Learning to stand with, ache with, weep with those who suffer may not be everything, but it certainly stands close to the center of our apprenticeship to Jesus. And it is right here that the watching world will be able to see our love. It is love in action, love with skin on it. Here we need to be sharply counter-cultural. Rather than avoid suffering at all costs we intentionally embrace suffering to the glory of God and the good of all people.

I urge you: don't run from suffering. It is here. It is real. If you have not experienced it personally as yet, believe me, you will. And, frankly, it is all around you—at home, at work, among neighbors and friends.

Two Challenges for Avoiding Suffering Avoidance

So now, here is the first challenge I would like to place before us: find someone who is suffering within your circle of nearness. Our spiritual formation is first always local and specific. So, find a suffering human being. This will come to you as a result of prayerful watchfulness to those in your world. Neighbors. Friends. Even strangers. Then simply be with this person and allow what happens to happen. You will be led I am sure.
This is where we begin, but it is not where we end. Our circle of nearness needs to be expanded. So here is my second challenge: intentionally step outside of your circle of nearness. Experience a short term mission trip. Visit Auschwitz. Read Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. Take a plunge experience into the urban life in one of our large cities.

Undertaking this second challenge will expand your circle of nearness and will guide you to the next step. I cannot describe that next step for you because it will be individual and specific to your own experience and gift set. You will be led I am sure. Then, mind the Light.

Peace and joy,

Richard J. Foster

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday Morning

Samuel came to me this morning, with shoes in hand. I was impressed because I assumed that he had made the connection that his shoes go on his feet. Well, that wasn't the only connection he's made with shoes. Evidently, shoes on his feet means that we are heading outside! I was taking too long to get my own shoes on and so Samuel came up to me with yet another pair of his shoes in hand. "Don't you get the idea, Mom?"

I couldn't decide which pictures to put on the blog, so here are a bunch of them. He loves playing outside.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Visiting the Park with Cousin Autumn

Cousin Autumn came to visit and these pictures of the fun time they had playing at the park on Saturday.

Friday, April 13, 2007

New Stats

We just got back from Samuel's 1-year doctor appointment and have the latest stats to share:

Weight: 23 lbs 5oz, 54th %ile
Height: 31 1/4 in, 86th %ile
Head: 19 in, 92 %ile

I'm assuming a large head is a sign of great intelligence, but I'm not sure where he gets his height! A few shots too, although he was quite the mature boy and only cried a little. (-:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Monday, April 02, 2007


I know, I know. It has been a long time since we've posted anything and I realized how many pictures that hadn't been downloaded yet! So, you're in for a lot of pictures. I started with our most recent trip to Phoenix and ended with a few from when Poppa came to visit.

The Trip Down to Phoenix

Camping in Santa Fe

In Phoenix

Puddles... not so fun at first

At the Park

At Daddy's Baseball Game