Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Day in the Life of Samuel

The I-25 Lightrail made its debut today with free food, prizes, and free lightrail rides on all of their routes. We waited at the station, kept passing up the packed trains hoping the next one would be less crowded, but eventually gave up. We did get a little popcorn though! (That line was the shortest)

Plan B was to walk around the mall. Samuel loved the pet store the best. He giggled, kicked, and screamed at all of the jumping puppies. I would have taken a picture, but I didn't think the dogs would like the flash. Samuel really wanted a taste of Dad's pretzel, but reluctantly settled for a few Cheerios.

Samuel was so hyper on the way home and by the time we reached our door, he had slobber all over his mouth, chin, and hands from all of the noise-making he had been doing!

Time for a little supper in his "brand-new" booster seat we found on craigslist this morning. He loved it; not for the ease of eating, but because it had really neat straps that he thought tasted great! Notice his growing two front teeth.

Next, his Saturday evening bath. He loves his baths, kicking and playing with his rubber ducky. This time he tried to climb out of his little tub. Dad took a cute video of him splashing and playing. He's so serious in his splashing it was hard to get his attention.


Anonymous said...

This blog is great. We love the video clips. Autumn kept turning her head and listening to your voice every time we'd replay the one of the tub. And I can't believe how good he was ay picking up those cheerios...especially the one he dropped and searched for. (did he get it? we couldn't tell)
It's going to be so fun to see him at Christmas. (and you guys too, of course:) ) Joanna

Anonymous said...

It is so nice to see how you three are doing and how much Samuel has grown up! We hope that you had a great Thanksgiving! Hope we see you at Christmas!
Beth and Landon